Engelbert Schmid (Fabricante de Instrumentos)

Um das ideale Gigbag für Waldhorn zu entwickeln, müssen viele Dinge zusammen passen, die ein bloßer guter Handwerker nicht überblicken kann.
Deshalb hat die innovative Marke “Bags” mich als Horn Fabrikanten und als professionellen Hornisten kontaktiert.
Die Zusammenarbeit in der Entwicklung war wirklich eine Freude. Inda Bonet (als professionelle Posaunist) hat den gleichen Anspruch an Perfektion wie ich.
Das Ergebnis ist in meinen Augen das bislang best durchdachte und perfekteste Gigbag.

Miguel Espejo (Clarinete Solista de la O.R.T.V.E.)

Los estuches BAGS reúnen las características más importantes para su uso, materiales ligeros y a la vez consistentes para una mayor protección del instrumento.

Las dimensiones del estuche son ideales para que sufra menos la espalda y su diseño interior súper aprovechado y compacto.

El estuche con más calidad que he probado.

Javier Bonet (profesor de la O.N.E.)

Es la mejor funda para trompa natural, sin duda. The BEST case for natural Horn with all the crooks together!

Luis González (Solista Internacional, profesor de trompeta Musikene)


Guillermo Báez (trombón de la Film Symphony Orchestra)

Si buscas la mejor protección para tu instrumento no lo dudes, la tienes en BAGS.

Instrument cases

We innovate to provide the best solutions in the protection and transport of instruments. handmade cases taking care of the most intimate detail.

Cases for musical instruments made in Spain. Thanks to our long experience and good quality of the materials we use, the best brands of instruments and artists recognized worldwide trust BAGS.

Surprising inside and out

The finishes of our BAGS cases are made of fiberglass of colorful colors and unique designs that don’t go unnoticed.

However, our true hallmark is the ergonomics, since the cases BAGS adapt perfectly to the needs of musicians and the nature of the instrument.

In BAGS we take care of every detail and carefully select all materials for guarantee the highest quality of our products.

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choose the case that best suits you

Hems studied to achieve the greater comfort of musicians without sacrificing functionality, and we have achieved it! removed some elements that were unnecessary, replacing some components and redesigned some models to get more compact and lightweight cases.

The new cases of the new Evolution Series use lightweight fiberglass and high quality materials, allowing them to substantially reduce their weight.

The perfect case for your instrument

Interacting and working directly with musicians makes it possible for our cases to provide the ideal solution to instrument mobility.

We have redesigned our cases to make them lighter, more compact and compatible with the main models and instrument brands of the market.

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todos nuestros estuches

Brasswind Instruments

1 Trumpet Oblong Case EV-3


Brasswind Instruments

Tenor Trobone Case EV-II


Brasswind Instruments

1 Trumpet Case EV-I


Brasswind Instruments

Bass Trombone Case EV-II


We take care of your instrument

as much as you

In BAGS we know how important your instrument is for a musician and care that he himself needs, so we design durable and resistant cases, with high quality standards and a careful design looking for maximum protection.

The daily life of a musician can be complicated, but keeping an instrument in perfect condition is very simple with a BAGS case.

Our fiberglass cases protect instruments from possible knocks and also, As they are suspended inside the case, air circulation is facilitated and moisture is removed.